Diploma of Special Merit
Devon Music Education Hub commissions music organisations and appropriate specialists to deliver jazz education across the county. More than 6000 pupils and students take part in 27 ensembles which are supported by the Hub and jazz forms an important part of that support. The Hub provides training for teachers and other music practitioners in many genres including jazz. Pupils and students are encouraged to consider next steps from First Access to more advanced levels. Appropriate ensemble opportunities are signposted in the Hub website.

Devon Youth Jazz Association (DYJA) has a key partnership with the Hub. As well as offering a programme of high quality jazz education through the two Devon Youth Jazz Orchestras (DYJOs 1 & 2). DYJA provides outreach work in schools and other venues to introduce jazz to the wider community. DYJO 1 celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2015 and has always been recognised as one of the best youth big bands in the UK. Our reports, over many years, have chronicled the achievements of DYJOs 1 & 2. The Hubs support has enabled the established Jazz Ambassadors programme – this is the cream of the soloists of DYJOs 1 & 2 performing at and leading workshops in Devon schools – to continue and indeed to embark on development and expansion programmes to new jazz groups in different areas of Devon.
A new development is the Hub’s support for the North Devon based Plough Junior Jazz Ensemble, which conducts weekly workshops for young musicians of all abilities in North Devon with the emphasis on jazz improvisation skills and ensemble techniques. In addition to regular weekend rehearsals the Group undertake school tours, performing in assemblies which as well as providing an exciting mini-concert is a valuable education and training experience for the members of the Group. Those appearances have led to an increased take up of instrumental lessons in the schools visited.
We believe East Renfrewshire are deserving of a very honourable mention for their continuing commitment to jazz education.
For their first ever entries to our scheme we awarded DIPLOMAS to Cumbria, Doncaster and Kingston upon Thames.
And for their continuing outstanding commitment we awarded DIPLOMAS to Gloucestershire and Oxfordshire.
Our DIPLOMA OF SPECIAL MERIT was presented to DEVON, the sixth time this remarkable Hub has achieved this accolade!