Diploma of Special Merit
And for a practical demonstration of how much can be achieved by partnership working a Diploma of Special Merit was awarded to
Southampton & Hampshire
Our reports often refer to the beneficial effects of giving young musicians opportunity to hear good quality live jazz. These two Hubs have strong partnerships with two prestigious venues which has led to a committed audience of young musicians attending touring jazz group concerts. This is one of several reasons why jazz is flourishing among young people in both areas. One of those partners – Turner Sims – as part of their commitment worked with two Hampshire schools on a project led by stellar members of Tomorrow’s Warriors which included several visits to the school and a concluding concert hosted by Turner Sims.

Inspiration thus gained is nourished by jazz being an integral part of INSET and CPD provided by both Hubs and in schemes of work of peripatetic teachers employed by the Southampton Hub including elements introducing jazz to all First Access pupils. Importantly, both Hubs employ specialist jazz teachers.
The two well-established and over-subscribed large ensembles though based in Southampton, recruit from both Hub areas. The Southampton Jazz Workshop (SJW) takes young musicians from as young as eight into a range of public performance opportunities and mentoring school ensembles which are interested in jazz and improvisation. The SJW also represents something of a nursery for that exemplar of the best that youth jazz orchestras can achieve, viz the Southampton Youth Jazz Orchestra (SYJO) and thus experience playing with leading professional jazz stars. Thanks to the Turner Sims connection this year SYJO participated in a significant 70th anniversary celebration with John Surman and John Warren.
The BTEC Subsidiary Diploma in Jazz taught by professional jazz musicians, equivalent to a full A level and recognised by conservatoires with jazz courses, had another successful year at Hampshire Hub member Alton College.
Strong links with the University of Southampton have been maintained, drawing on composition and harmony skills of staff on the Jazz & Pop undergraduate degree pathway and resulting in regular jazz jam sessions for young musicians who want to play jazz and improvise in a supportive and near-professional context.
Our warmest congratulations to all who were responsible for the above successful submissions.